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Make every bite count! 

The new 2020 – 2025 Dietary Guidelines were released in January. The guidelines were set up to promote health, reduce the risk of chronic disease, and meet our nutritional needs.

These guidelines help translate the current science on diet and health into guidance to help people choose foods and beverages to promote a healthy diet.  To review the new guidelines, go to       

As a dietitian, I encourage you to eat more nutrient-dense foods—ones that are full of vitamins, minerals, and health-promoting components.

Basic takeaways for healthy eating:

  1. Focus on whole fruits
  2. Vary your vegetables
  3. Make half your grains whole grains
  4. Vary your protein routine
  5. Don’t forget to include a source of dairy.

Remember, You Are What You Eat!!  


- Karen Bunnell, RD, LMNT