Phelps Memorial Therapy Center has two certified pelvic floor therapists who are able to assess and customize treatment plans for patients with pelvic floor issues.
Pelvic floor therapy is a non-surgical approach to rehabilitation of dysfunctions in the pelvis that contribute to bowel, bladder, sexual health and pain complaints.
Pelvic floor therapy can treat:
- Urinary Incontinence: Involuntary leakage of urine, which can be activity related.
- Pelvic Organ Prolapse: A supportive dysfunction leading to descent of one or more organs that press into the wall of the vaginal canal due to tissue laxity or weakness.
- Diastasis Recti: Hollowing of the abdomen often felt above, at or below the umbilicus due to separation of the abdominal wall, most commonly following or during pregnancy.
- Pelvic Pain Conditions: Dysmennorrhea, dyspareunia, vaginismus, endometriosis, pudendal neuralgia, interstitial cystitis, symptoms include pain with menstruation, intercourse and/or penetration.
- General Pelvic Pain: Pain not associated to a specific diagnosis, but related to or present in the pelvis, hips, external or internal genital organs.
All patients will be evaluated with an internal and external individual assessment to determine a plan of care.
Treatment may include, but not limited to
1. Education and behavioral training
2. Strength, coordination and postural/ergonomic training
3. Pelvic floor muscle training
4. Functional activity training
5. Soft tissue mobilization, massage, trigger-point release, stretching
6. Biofeedback – a treatment tool used to measure electrical impulses for muscle activity.