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Our ambulances provide Advanced Life Support (ALS) to the citizens of Phelps County and the surrounding areas through paramedic intercept services and long distance transfers.

The paramedic intercept service involves responding with area volunteer services to enhance the services they already provide by administering medications and advanced cardiac life support to critically ill and injured patients. In addition to treating critically injured patients, staff provides medication and other advanced-level services to those that are not as severely injured or sick but would benefit from advanced pre-hospital interventions.

Emergency medical services staff provides long distance transfers, transporting critical and non-critical patients to area facilities for care and specialty services not available locally.

The State of Nebraska licenses the PMHC ambulance service as an Advanced Life Support Unit. We provide advanced medical skills, including:
  • Administration of (IV and oral) medications.

  • Advanced airway adjuncts.

  • Advanced defibrillation techniques.