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The beginning of the school year can be a bit overwhelming and exciting all at the same time, both for parents and kids. As you start your new school year routines, don’t forget to remain vigilant in your efforts to stay safe while heading to and from school.

Walking and biking to school is a healthy practice, but it’s important to consider safety and if your children are ready.  If your child bikes or walks to school, practice the route with them.  Make sure they know the route and are aware of potential dangers.

If biking, make sure they wear a helmet. It’s also important to make sure their bicycle is the proper size and they know the rules about signaling turns, stopping at all stop signs, and being alert.

Another method of transportation to school may include riding the school bus. If your child rides the bus, take comfort in knowing that school age children transported in school buses are safer than children transported in motor vehicles of any other type. Large school buses provide protection because of their size and weight.

If you or another member of your family drive your child to school, be sure they always buckle up as well as follow all rules and regulations provided by the DMV whether they are a licensed driver or operating on a school permit. See the for full details regarding rules of the road.

At Phelps Medical Group, we are always here to help answer questions and help you navigate through any concerns you may have about your child. To schedule an appointment contact us at 308.995.6111.