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A new communications board is located at North Park, Holdrege.  This board will be highly beneficial for the community to not only bridge the gap for those who have difficulty communicating with their friends and family, but to also provide additional experiences and learning opportunities for all.

Paige Marquardt, Speech Language Pathologist at Phelps Memorial Therapy Services, had a vision of bringing this board to a local park to meet the needs of children and adults with speech disabilities.   Her vision came to fruition and is now located near the handicap accessible playground and splash pad at North Park. 

Paige said, “This board will help bridge a gap between those who can’t communicate effectively and those who can.” She added, “A lot of times when people think of disabilities they think physical disabilities, but they don’t think about the communication and speech difficulties of adults and children.”  

Paige coordinated efforts with the Phelps Memorial Service League who donated $3,000 to this project.

She shared examples such as how the board could benefit adults with a voice disorders and allow them to communicate with a grandchild while playing at the park. In addition, she told how it is a tool parents can use if they have one child that is verbal and another who is not.  

Visitors use the board by pointing at icons to communicate with others.  The icons includes objects in the park, frequently used phrases, letters, numbers, colors and short words, all with images that match the words.  The words are in both English and Spanish.  The communication board displays actions to help with navigation and communication of needs and interests.

Paige Marquardt, Speech Language Pathologist, and members of the Phelps Memorial Service League are pictured with the communication board located at North Park. Pictured are: Lenore Kayton, Paige Marquardt, Ivalene Simmons, Julie Billeter, and Lois Dick.