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Migraines can cause debilitating pain for children and adults. Finding relief may not be far away. Dr. Rahul Razdan, vascular and interventional radiologist at Phelps Memorial Health Center commonly treats these conditions with a procedure call SphenoCath SPG block.

Types of primary headaches include migraines, cluster headaches, tension headaches, trigeminal neuralgia, and medication overuse headaches.  Dr. Razdan stated, “SPG block works for everything except tension headaches.”

According to the Migraine Research Foundation, “Every 10 seconds, someone in the U.S. goes to the emergency room complaining of head pain, and approximately 1.2 million visits are for acute migraine attacks. 18% of American women, 6% of men, and 10% of children experience migraines.” 

There is a strong genetic predisposition for migraines.  80-90% have a family history and most experience first attack in teenage years or young adulthood. 

Dr. Razdan said, “This is a chronic disease.  I’m not going to cure you.  I’m going to decrease the intensity of your pain, decrease the frequency of your headaches or help you get off some of the medications you are currently on.”

SphenoCath SPG blocks can provide immediate and lasting relief for sufferers. Dr. Razdan is one of the most skilled SphenoCath physicians in the nation.

Accrording to Dr. Razdan, "SpenoCath is done under x-ray guidance in real-time.” He added, “I know exactly where I’m going the whole time. I deliver the medication to the nerve bundle we are treating through a small catheter. There are no needles involved.” He added that greater than 90% covert to migraine-free immediately after the procedure if they are suffering from a migraine at the time of treatment. 

Treatments can occur whether a patient is suffering from a migraine or not. The national average number of treatments per year to remain migraine free is 3.2.

Dr. Razdan and his partners at Advanced Medical Imaging, who also are visiting specialists at Phelps Memorial, use a live X-ray image to guide medication to a bundle of nerves, known as the sphenopalatine ganglion (SPG), via the nasal cavity. The SPG block procedure takes about 10 minutes and reduces the intensity and frequency of pain caused by migraines, cluster headaches and trigeminal neuralgia.

“This treatment works and is life changing for a very high percentage of patients,” he said. “Most patients experience immediate pain relief that can last for months. The procedure is safe for children and pregnant women.” 

He added that the procedure is an in-office procedure and those receiving it can return to normal activities immediately.  The average relief time is 3-6 months and the procedure then can be done again. Contact your medical provider for a referral for this service at Phelps Memorial Health Center.