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Delaying routine screenings can cause larger issues when it comes to your health. Getting regular screenings can check your body for cancer before you have symptoms and find signs of disease early...
In The News
Jenny Spaulding, RN, CDE, Phelps Memorial Health Center, has received a Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) in Practice Certificate from the Association of Diabetes Care and Education Specialists...
In The News
Make every bite count! The new 2020 – 2025 Dietary Guidelines were released in January. The guidelines were set up to promote health, reduce the risk of chronic disease, and meet our nutritional needs...
In The News
March 14-20 is Pulmonary Rehabilitation Week. Some might say pulmonary rehabilitation has played second fiddle to its sister service – cardiac rehabilitation – at Phelps Memorial. With heart disease...
In The News
Phelps Memorial Health Center, Holdrege, was recently named one of the Top 100 Critical Access Hospitals in the United States by The Chartis Center for Rural Health for the 5th consecutive year...
In The News
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 11, 2021 (HOLDREGE, Neb.) – Phelps Memorial Health Center, Family Medical Specialties, and Phelps Medical Group in Holdrege, Neb., are working together to distribute...
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Phelps Memorial Health Center celebrates Karen Bunnell, RD, LMNT, on National Registered Dietician Day. She is a key member of our health care team and has completed multiple layers of education and...
In The News
If your sleep patterns are negatively impacting your life it may be time to see your medical provider for a referral for a sleep study at Phelps Memorial Health Center. A sleep study, or polysomnogram...
Phelps Medical Group would like to recognize Dr. Charlotte Wirges for her 32 years of service to the community of Holdrege, as she prepares to step back from patient care to spend more time with her...
In The News
Heart month may be drawing to a close, but it’s a time to reflect on the sobering fact that heart disease remains the number one killer of both women and men in the United States. The good news is you...